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  1. Oh sorry. Forgot about this thread, admin provided me with a link to 32-Bit RTM and I am now successfully running it. If anyone needs it just ask ;)
  2. Please read the topic, this event is over.
  3. Middleman Applications Updated August 29, 09 If you would like to apply to be a "middleman" than you must read this topic and make sure you meet all of the requirements and make sure you follow the guidelines stated in this post. Please note that all staff members are middlemen automatically unless stated otherwise. Requirements 125 Posts or more 10 Reputation Member for 2 weeks Know what a middleman is Trusted member Application Form Full Name: Age: Do you meet all requirements: Y/N Why do you want to be a MM:[/code] When you post an application, please just make a new thread in the forum "MiddleMan" with the title [Application] %Forum Name% without the percentage signs. Note: The requirements and application form for middleman will be changed whenever needed, please make sure you check when this thread was last updated. Regards, InviteScene Staff.
  4. InviteScene Official Middlemen Updated August 11, 2010 Currently all staff members are middle-men ~ Admin - Root Administrator // Profile // Send Message suburban - Co Administrator // Profile // Send Message devildefeners - Global Moderator // Profile // Send Message Chang - Global Moderator // Profile // Send Message KillerDrummer - Global Moderator // Profile Official Middlemen ~
  5. This thread is for the people that do not know the meaning of the term "middleman" and or what their job is. In our case here at InviteScene a middleman is someone that helps the transactions of trades go smoother and safer and that way they can be guaranteed. A middleman's job at InviteScene would be to make sure both users get their end of the bargain, for example. Let's just say I wanted to trade a Torrent Leech account for a Revolution TT with Admin and I wanted to make sure that we both got our accounts to make sure I don't get scammed, I would come to this forum and request for a middleman. Now, once you have your middleman the users would have to arrange a time to trade or how they are going to go about doing so. Say I pick that we will do it over Windows Live Messenger at 4:00 PM Sunday afternoon, we would then all be on at the given time and both users would give the account details to the middleman and he/she would then make sure the accounts are legitimate. After doing so he/she would send each user account information etc.. and it is highly recommend that just in case you change the password after receiving the account. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/middleman If you need further help please contact a staff member. Regards, InviteScene Staff.
  6. Hey guys, I have to go so I will just make this short. Could someone find me a torrent for Windows 7 RTM 32-Bit please.
  7. You can request an invitation Here if you like Navsea ;)
  8. If I were to download the rtm would i have to reformat my computer or anything?
  9. No I am currently using wired, I have an on-board sound card it isn't much. Also, I am using Windows 7 RC 7100 but they said the sound was suppose to be fixed in the RTM. The sound isn't bugging out anymore it happens once every couple days which isn't so bad so I guess I can live with it. Thanks though.
  10. Originally I was going to get the G5 or the mx518, is it really comfortable, light and is good on lots of surfaces?
  11. Yeah so far I have tried two versions of XP and I have used Ultra ISO and it hasn't worked either times. I have my dad coming over tomorrow with a legit version of XP so it shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the effort though ;)
  12. Hello guys, I recently reformatted my computer and did a fresh install of Windows 7 32-Bit but I have the sound glitch. It happens randomly and my friend has it and basically I cannot play any games without experiencing messed up sound and some major lag. Now, what I need is a torrent or something or if someone could upload Windows XP Professional or Home SP3 or something for me. Now Admin, I know you gave me a link to one a while back but I tried it the other day and it wouldn't accept my internet, I tried for hours and called my ISP and it must have just been that version, unless you could help me out with that maybe when I burned it one of the files got left out and I could try to re-do that but if you want to help me out with that I appreciate it. Thanks in advance guys! -Jordan
  13. I can't remember correctly, but I believe it was the Sega Dreamcast playing Sonic :)
  14. I barely use any, the one I use most though is facebook.
  15. you probably banned from the server. Try visiting by proxy: http://www.c-proxy.info/
  16. Thanks Admin, I have been doing this for a while ;)
  17. Well, I know sometimes it's difficult to seed in music trackers, but I found a relly good way to do it, actually it works with any tracker. I realized while I was downloading a file I was able to be connected with a lot of leechers, of course while more % downloaded file you've got, more leechers you're connected with. The thing is when you finish downloading the file (I don't know why) but you can't be connected with to many leechers, I mean: Downloading a file: FileXXXXX.......75% Downloaded..........status: downloading.......35(45) seeds .............12(25)leechers..........good upload speed File downloaded: FileXXXXX......100%Downloaded..........status: seeding...............0(46) seeds .............2(24)leechers............no so good upload speed So I think is much better seed while you are downloading the file than when you have downloaded it at all, because in that way you are connected with a lot of leechers in the swarm and you are uploading with fast upload speed all the time. The thing is you can't download the file forever... but you can do it slower in that way you will be able to upload a lot. I follow the next steps: I. Download a big file (well more than 1GB) II. Download it under normal conditions until you have about 65% of it III. If you are connected with a good amount of lecchers, reduce your download speed until 2Kb/s and keep seeding with good upload speed until you finish downloading it, in that way you will be seeding that file for 3 or 4 hours at max upload speed IV. DONE!!! Well, I hope it works for you.
  18. FTN is a 0day tracker with great content , with Scene Releases as well as great packs , the most eye catching feature of FtN is that its Ratio Free and it has very active Forums , IRC is dead sometimes but yet pretty alive mostly. FtN has in all 5 themes , I will post all the 5 themes Forums page because the only thing that changes is the banner and the text color FtN has got great speeds , its really hard to find a single dead torrent or a torrent with 1 seed and 1 leech stuff ... I mean the tracker activity is not the best but good. Pros : Very good co-operative staff Excellent Torrent speeds IRC is pretty good Forums are Super Active Packs are really sweet ... lots and lots of packs are available Cons : The only thing changes in changing the themes is the banner The Site loads incredible slow sometimes As , You can see , there are more pros than cons and this justifies that FTN is a super good tracker with great community as well as content Well , lets continue our review with the screenshots :D BANNER Color :Blue : Re d : Grey/Red : Grey/Blue : Green : CATEGORIES : FAQ : Forums : Rules : Browse : Userprofile : Theme RED Forums : Theme GREY/RED Forums : Theme GREY/BLUE Forums : Theme GREEN Forums : Well , About the ratings (out of 5) : Pretimes : 3.5/5 Content : 5/5 Community : 5/5 Speed : 5/5 Rarity : 4.5/5
  19. How to Make The Hugging Favicon Smilies! (Tutorial Source FST) It may be a little tricky at first, but once you get used to it, they'll be very simple to do. First of all, you need Adobe Fireworks installed on your computer. I'm sure there are other options for programs, but for this tutorial, thats what I'm gonna be using. You can download the free 30 day trial from the Adobe website if you're interested in taking that route. Before we start, you should know: If you ever mess up in FireWorks you can click cntrl+z to undo your previous changes. It's probably the most important thing for you to remember. Step One: You need an existing hugging smiley. I typically use elektronik's because the outline is easy to see and it's still easy to delete the favicon out of it. So. <--- drag/copy this to your desktop. You also need the favicon graphic from the site you're doing. I personally take a screen shot of my browser bar and crop out the background. (For methods on taking screenshots, refer to Google, I would only be able to explain how to do it on a mac.) Step Two: Open both graphics in Fireworks. You can open them by hitting cntrl+o and selecting the files. It should now look something like this: Obviously the graphics we are working with are very small so you need to zoom in. You can do this by hitting cntrl+ (as in the plus sign) (cntrl- is to zoom out.) Do this for both graphics, I like to zoom into about 800%, but you can choose whatever works best for you. Step Three: If your favicon has anything in the background, it all needs to be taken out of the frame. To do this, use the magic wand tool (w), select everything other than the favicon. To select more than one area hold down shift while you're doing it. It should now look like this: Then simply hit delete. You're now done editing the favicon and it should look like this: Step Four: Now go to your pre-made smiley graphic. If you do not have the the magic wand tool (w), please select it again. You need to select the hand on your smiley. Remember to hold shift to select more than one area. When the hand is selected, it should look like this: Now you need to cut (cntrl+x) the hand out of the frame. DO NOT DELETE IT. You can also cut through the edit menu and in your right-click menu. The hand should now be missing: Step Five: Switch to the subselection tool (a or 1) and drag your favicon into the smiley's window. Line up the favicon over the existing one, still using the subselection tool (a or 1) Sometimes, your new favicon will not completely cover the old one. So before you drag the new favicon over you need to get the marquee tool, select the area you want to erase and hit delete. Step Six: Paste (cntrl+v) the hand back in. It will go in the exact spot you cut it out of, your frame should look complete. Step Seven: You are not done. You have finished one frame out of six. To switch to the next frame, there is a forward button in the bottom of your smiley's window. Click that. Step Eight: Repeat steps four through seven until all six frames are done. Note that in the last frame (frame 6), the favicon moves over one pixel to the left. Step Nine: You're done! You may now zoom out (cntrl-) to 100%, and push play to test your smiley. Play is located at the bottom of the window around the same area that the "next" button was. Your smiley should look like this: Save it (cntrl+s) how it is. Try not to use "Save as.." because it may turn the background white. If you learn how to do this, you can even figure out how to edit some of the other smilies. Anyway, I hope this tutorial helped.
  20. I've not included clients the do multiple IM protocols (Trillian, Pidgin, Etc) because i wanted to know which you mainly use to chat to friends. MSN mostly, gtalk sometimes.
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