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  1. Hi, I just wonder how many people here use IRC client. Such a Mirc or Xirc or something else? :)
  2. Hey Gang i just got meself a seedbox but i don;t know how to use it i tried to add a torrent file and left it for seeding but nathing is happening the seeding is not happening i mean and also can i download torrent using seedbox to my PC Waiting
  4. In the most of the cases anything that is on rare tracker can be found on same-type-tracker that is not rare... So, for me, there is no reason to have X rare tracker when all you need is on other tracker that is not rare and doesnt requires efforts to get into. do you what a rare tracker because: you collect? if so why you collect? it was all-time fantasy to have it? you bored? you believe it have a unique content? or something other
  5. Tracker Name : Waffles Tracker URL : https://www.waffles.fm Tracker Genre : Music Tracker Speed : 8/10 Tracker PreTime : 7/10 Tracker Content : 9/10 Tracker IRC : IRC Network Server : irc.p2p-network.net IRC Port : 6697 , 7000 IRC Channel : #waffles.fm , #waffles.fm-help , #waffles.fm-flac Tracker Stats Tracker Categories Tracker Browse Section Tracker Forum Tracker Rules Tracker FAQs Tracker Bonus points Tracker Awards Waffles is without a doubt one of the best music tracker with loads of content :D You will find almost every type of music, community is great and speed is great too ;)
  6. Who We Really Are? SnTHostings.COM is an WebHosting Provider & We have Recently Started Selling Seedboxes. We Believe in Cheap Price with BEST Service. We FOCUS on BEST SERVICE possible at cheapest price. We Established in 2013 FEB and since then NO CLIENT left us. Hope we can provide BEST thing possible in SEEDBOX too . PROMOTION'S 1. FREE SEEDBOX FOR 1 DAY. 2. 5% Discount for KICK OFF BUSINESS in SEEDBOX - 5%KICKOFF (If Code doesn't work then open a TICKET) All Our Seedbox Plans Include: [»] 24/7 Support Via Tickets / Email / Instant Chat [»] Server Shared - MAX TO MAX 4 PEOPLE [»] 100Mbit/s Internet Connectivity [»] SSH/FTP Access [»] Deluge / rTorrent + ruTorrent / uTorrent + webUI (CHOOSE ANY 1) [»] Unlimited Down Traffic [»] Unlimited Up Traffic * * = Limited To 100Mbps Till 5TB,After That 10Mbps Unmetered (SHARED) Contact Information: www.SnTHostings.com (via TICKET) [email protected] (via E-mail) SKYPE - sonuyos YMAIL - [email protected] Our Plans: Basic Seedbox (2 Left) [»]Active Torrents: Unlimited [»]Customers on server: Max To Max 4 [»]Hard Disk: 60GB [»]Dedicated RAM : 2GB [»]Port Speed: 100Mbit/s [»]Setup time : 24 hours [»]Price : $5.29 Order Now! Medium Seedbox (4 Left) [»]Active Torrents: Unlimited [»]Customers on server: Max To Max 4 [»]Hard Disk: 120GB [»]Dedicated RAM : 2GB [»]Port Speed: 100Mbit/s [»]Setup time : 24 hours [»]Price : $9.99 Order Now! Professional Seedbox (2 Left) [»]Active Torrents: Unlimited [»]Customers on server: Max To Max 2 [»]Hard Disk: 200GB [»]Dedicated RAM : 2GB [»]Port Speed: 100Mbit/s [»]Setup time : 24 hours [»]Price : $14.99 Order Now! Ultimate Seedbox (2 Left) [»]Active Torrents: Unlimited [»]Customers on server: Max To Max 2 [»]Hard Disk: 250GB [»]Dedicated RAM : 2GB [»]Port Speed: 100Mbit/s [»]Setup time : 24 hours [»]Price : $19.99 Order Now!
  7. Tracker Name : Sinderella Tracker URL : https://www.gnoms.me/ Tracker Genre : P0rn Tracker Speed : 9/10 Tracker PreTime : 9/10 Tracker Content : 9/10 Tracker IRC : None Yet Tracker Categories Tracker Stats Tracker Browse Page Tracker Forum Tracker Rules Tracker WiKi
  8. 22 euro per month pm me OVH no limited data
  9. Just got my hands on a android tablet a few weeks ago and have got an unofficial version of Cyanogenmod running on it. I'very been amazed by the amount and quality of games in the Play Store. I'm not a heavy gamer at all - had a PSX way back when but lost interest quickly. Now with the 4-7/8 inch form factor iOS and Android devices and the steadily improving specs they offer, I can see mobile gaming having real appeal to many consumers, even those that aren't "gamers" as such like me. Will there still be a place for consoles in the future? Your thoughts?
  10. Tracker Name : SuperTorrents Tracker URL : http://www.supertorrents.org Tracker Genre : General Tracker Speed : 8/10 Tracker PreTime : 7/10 Tracker Content : 7.5/10 Tracker IRC IRC Server Name : P2PIRC IRC Server : irc.p2pirc.org IRC Port : 6667 IRC Channel : #supertorrents and #STSupport Tracker Categories Tracker Stats Tracker Browse Section Tracker Forums Tracker Rules Tracker FAQ
  11. Tracker Name : IPTorrents Tracker URL : http://www.iptorrents.com Tracker Genre : General Tracker Speed : 8/10 Tracker PreTime : 8/10 Tracker Content : 9/10 Tracker IRC : None Yet Tracker Categories Tracker Stats None Tracker Browse Page Tracker Forum Tracker Rules Tracker FAQ
  12. This tutorial will guide you through the setup of a fully-featured seedbox running on a Debian or Ubuntu system, including: libtorrent 0.13.0 rTorrent 0.9 ruTorrent Web UI (3.0) This guide has been tested with Debian 6 (x86_64) and Ubuntu 11.04 (x86_64). To start, access your VPS via SSH (as the root user) and do the following to update your platform and install some required dependencies: # apt-get update # apt-get install subversion build-essential automake libtool libcppunit-dev libcurl3-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev unzip unrar-free curl libncurses-dev # apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-cli php5-curl Enable scgi for Apache: # apt-get install libapache2-mod-scgi # ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/scgi.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/scgi.load Install XMLRPC: # mkdir /install;cd /install # svn checkout http://xmlrpc-c.svn.sourceforge.net/...mlrpc-c/stable xmlrpc-c # cd xmlrpc-c # ./configure --disable-cplusplus # make # make install Intall libtorrent: # cd /install # wget http://vps6.net/src/libtorrent-0.13.0.tar.gz # tar xvf libtorrent-0.13.0.tar.gz # cd libtorrent-0.13.0 # ./autogen.sh # ./configure # make # make install Install rTorrent: # cd /install # wget http://vps6.net/src/rtorrent-0.9.0.tar.gz # cd rtorrent-0.9.0 # ./autogen.sh # ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c # make # make install # ldconfig Create required directories: # mkdir /home/seeder1/rtorrent # mkdir /home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session # mkdir /home/seeder1/rtorrent/watch # mkdir /home/seeder1/rtorrent/download Setup .rtorrent.rc file (rTorrent config): # cd ~/ # wget http://vps6.net/src/.rtorrent.rc # cp .rtorrent.rc /home/seeder1/ (Edit the settings in .rtorrent.rc, like max upload/download speed, max connected peers, etc, as needed.) Install rTorrent: # cd /install # wget http://vps6.net/src/rutorrent-3.0.tar.gz # tar xvf rutorrent-3.0.tar.gz # mv rutorrent /var/www # wget http://vps6.net/src/plugins-3.0.tar.gz # tar xvf plugins-3.0.tar.gz # mv plugins /var/www/rutorrent # rm -rf /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/darkpal # chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/rutorrent Secure /rutorrent: # a2enmod ssl # a2enmod auth_digest # a2enmod scgi # openssl req $@ -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/apache2/apache.pem -keyout /etc/apache2/apache.pem # chmod 600 /etc/apache2/apache.pem # htdigest -c /etc/apache2/passwords seedbox seeder1 (Enter a password of your choice when prompted, you will use this to log in to the ruTorrent web UI.) # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ # rm -rf default # wget http://vps6.net/src/default # a2ensite default-ssl # /etc/init.d/apache2 reload Install screen: # apt-get install screen Start rTorrent in a detached shell using screen: # screen -fa -d -m rtorrent (To start rtorrent automatically when the VPS is booted, add the above command to /etc/rc.local) You can now access ruTorrent at http://xx.xx.xx.xx/rutorrent/ (replace xx.xx with your server's IP address). You should be greeted with a login prompt, where the username is "seeder1" and the password is the one you set above in the "secure /rutorrent" section.
  13. Tracker Name : SDBits Tracker URL : http://www.sdbits.org/ Tracker Genre : Standard Definition Tracker Speed : 9/10 Tracker PreTime : 8/10 Tracker Content : 7/10 Tracker IRC IRC Network Name : P2P Network IRC Network Server : irc.p2p-network.net IRC Port : 6667 IRC Channel : #SDbits Tracker Categories Tracker Stats Tracker Browse Section Tracker Forum Tracker WiKi Tracker Rules Tracker FAQs
  14. Tracker Namre : SaM Tracker URL : http://www.soundand.me/ Tracker Genre : Everything Music INT3RNAL Teams : None Tracker Speed : 7/10 Tracker PreTime : 4/10 Tracker Content : 5/10 Tracker IRC : None Yet Tracker Categories Tracker Stats Tracker Browse Section Tracker Forum Tracker Rules Tracker FAQs
  15. Let's write our favourite football team here. Fenerbahçe SK
  16. What is your Favorite Free Ratio Tracker ? I like PTN , Zamunda,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;)
  17. Hi , guys let is talk about the tracker we usually use { type 5 only } : for me : -iptorrents -fano.iv -ptm -filelist -blu-evolution and for you ?
  18. Its Just a Personal interest Thread. Post Down What You're Listening too. and let others listen it. :D Note: if video has any sexual content please dont post and search a video with lyrics in that case. To Mods: If there is already same thread. then please Notify me.
  19. Hi! I need some recommendations for a seedbox around 50-70$/month I need: *around 1TB Harddrive space *1Gbit connection up and down *unmetered upload traffic(or atleast 10TB) I'm ok with shared servers as long as it's good speeds.
  20. Hello everybody! I hoop somebody can help me... I have an Conceptronic Nas (ch3mnas) and wondering if there is a way to transform this to some kind of seedbox.. Trying to install a funplug didn't work, somehow it wont accept to install any funplug and my linux knowhow isn't that good (some kind of noob on that stuff).. Is there anybody who can help me out? Thnx's already for your time!
  21. Processor Brand: Intel Model: Celeron / Atom Frequency: 1.20+ Ghz (1 core, 1 thread) Architecture: 64 bits NIC: FastEthernet Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard disk: 500 GB Fixed IP: 1 Deployment time: 24 hours Location:France Network connection: Download traffic /month: Unlimited Upload traffic /month: 5 TB Guaranteed bandwidth: 100 Mbps Price $18USD Processor Brand: Intel Model: Atom 230/D425 ( 1 core 2 thread ) Frequency:1.6+ GHz Architecture: 64 bits NIC: Fast Ethernet Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard disk: 1 TB Fixed IP: 1 Deployment time: 24 hours Location:France Network connection: Download traffic /month: Unlimited Upload traffic /month: 5 TB Guaranteed bandwidth: 100 Mbps Price $28USD ORDER TODAY ! -http://fibernet-hosting.com/
  22. sorry for noob questions 1) How do I know the total that I have downloaded or uploaded on my seedbox (there is a number at the bottom but that doesn't sound right) 2) On that note how do I permanently delete data from the seedbox (juz delete using ftp client??), but if i leave my current box just like that am i doing any mistakes? is it safe 3) i use ftp client filezilla with plane ftp & have cute ftp as well is my transfer encrypted like (SSH??? i don't know) How to make sure my ISP doesn't know what am transferring thru my ftp client??( cse i read somewhere with ftp transfer can be done encrypted with SSH or so am not sure if am talking right pardon me. says use the port 21 or so is encrypted but am using the port send by my provider? If anyone gets what am asking pls answer.
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