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  1. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Andy Post Date: May 28, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Pirate Bay Founder Denies Hacking Charges in Court
  2. OpenCD全站free将于29号0点正式开始,为期三天。此外,体积低于100M的种子不计算魔力值,具体见魔力值系统。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitewide free will start at May 29th 0:00 (GMT+8). I will last three days. In addition, torrent size less than 100MB will not count bonus points.
  3. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Ernesto Post Date: May 28, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Hollywood Studios Want Google to Censor Dotcom’s Mega
  4. The Australian High Court's five judges unanimously dismissed the appeal. In a summary of their judgment, the court observed that iiNet "had no direct technical power" to prevent its customers from illegally downloading pirated content using BitTorrent, a popular protocol used to share files online. But copyright law experts say the case is not the end of the story as more ISPs could be targeted in future and pressure will remain on internet providers to do something about piracy on their networks. The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT), which has been representing the studios in media commentary and in court, is already pressuring the government to change copyright laws to crack down on piracy. Advertisement Today, the court said iiNet's power to prevent customers from pirating movies and TV shows "was limited to an indirect power to terminate its contractual relationship with its customers". Further, the High Court said that infringement notices sent by the film industry to iiNet did not provide the ISP "with a reasonable basis for sending warning notices to individual customers containing threats to suspend or terminate those customers". If the film industry had won, the decision had the potential to impact internet users and the internet industry profoundly as it sets a legal precedent surrounding how much ISPs are required to do to prevent customers from downloading movies and other content illegally. iiNet CEO Michael Malone welcomed the ruling and said Hollywood should now focus on increasing the availability of lawful content in a timely and affordable manner. "We have consistently said we are eager to work with the studios to make their very desirable material legitimately available to a waiting customer base - and that offer remains the same today," he said. iiNet was picked on by the studios, he said, because it was one of the first internet providers to offer fast and high volume packages. And cables from the US Embassy in Canberra - leaked through WikiLeaks – indicated the studios did not want to take Telstra to court because they had commercial relationships with the telco giant. iiNet was seen as "big enough to be able to defend the case, but not so big that we might succeed", Malone said. "And they got that wrong." The High Court dismissed the appeal with costs. iiNet said legal costs of the case to date were approximately $9 million and had already been expensed. The film industry – and content owners more broadly – want ISPs to send warning notices and even disconnect customers from the internet following allegations of copyright infringement. The ISPs have long said that content owners already have sufficient remedies through the courts and it is not the job of the ISP to decide whether someone is guilty of content piracy. The courts have so far sided with the ISPs on this point. Recently content owners and ISPs have been back at the negotiating table over this issue however it is understood that a consensus has yet to be reached. The Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, has previously said that he was awaiting the outcome of the iiNet case before deciding whether new legislation was needed to crack down on illegal downloaders. The Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) is ramping up the pressure on the government to act. It said today's judgment exposed the failure of copyright law to keep pace with the online environment and the need for the government to act. "It would seem apparent that the current Australian Copyright Act isn't capable of protecting content once it hits the internet and peer-to-peer networks...," AFACT managing director Neil Gane said. He added that over half the usage of iiNet's internet service by its customers (measured in volume), was represented by BitTorrent file-sharing, and that this was why the film studios went after the ISP in court. "Now that we have taken this issue to the highest court in the land, it is time for government to act," he said. "We are confident the government would not want copyright infringement to go on unabated across Australian networks especially with the rollout of the NBN." Discussions - which Gane labelled as "constructive" - between rights holders and ISPs held behind closed doors in the last seven months and mediated by the Attorney-General's Department would likely continue, he said. "We will be having discussions with other rights holder associations in the short term and then I anticipate further discussions with governement in regards to what their approrpoiate recommended process should be." He said AFACT would be proposing on behalf of the studios "some sort of legislative fix" where "appropriate action" could be taken to deter infringements occurring on Australian ISP networks. A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said the government would examine the judgment closely. "Industry stakeholders have been meeting regularly during the last year to develop a code of conduct to address the issue of illegal downloading," the spokeswoman said. "The Attorney-General's Department will continue to facilitate these discussions and we hope that industry will continue to work together to find a range of solutions to illegal downloading." Experts say a previous judgment in the case paves the way for further lawsuits against ISPs. Michael Speck, a copyright expert who ran the music industry's case against Kazaa, said: "In losing the case [the film industry] still got from the courts a clear road map for how to successfully prosecute ISPs in the future and the next ISP that is prosecuted will find it almost impossible to avoid liability." Kim Heitman, secretary of Electronic Frontiers Australia and a Peth-based IP lawyer, called Speck a "wishful thinker"Of course any new case can be brought against any new defendant with any new facts including whether they have gone through a more detailed road map of specifying the particular breach," he said. "But what the Chief Justice made very clear is that if you are going to take action against end users it has to be through a legal process. It can't be simply the content owners asserting to the ISP that they should breach their contract with their customer and therefore the road map is not complete in so far as it doesn't include a legal process against the user." Intellectual property lawyer David Moore, of legal firm Cornwall Stodart, said for now ISPs are not responsible for the infringing conduct of their users but he believes this will change. "At some point if the level of infringement by a particular user is of a certain scale and is repeated then ISPs will be expected to work with the copyright owners to take action and I feel that's the way that things are heading sort of based on the full Federal Court decision and now the High Court decision," he said. "It's almost forcing ISPs to work with the copyright owners to cut out illegal downloads and the question of how they work together is perhaps somewhat grey. There's several issues floating around about the cost of putting in place, or the cost to an ISP of enforcing a policy that involves sending out warning notices and potentially terminating or suspending accounts." But Hamish Fraser of Truman Hoyle Lawyers said: "I think most practitioners struggle with the idea that an ISP should be liable for the downloading of its users." Heitman said the decision meant that internet users could be confident they would not be disconnected from the internet without a proper legal process and court order. "It means that the content owners needs to decide if they are going to continue to try to keep hold of their 20th century business model or open an online shop," she said. Heitman said that while it was unlikely, content owners could still sue individual downloaders. "In the United States recently content owners that have tried to apply to ISPs to get a full list of the names and addresses of the people downloading have been told that they will not get that relief from the court because they are not genuinely intending to use the legal process," she said. "It's sort of the Kill the Irishman situation where really it's just a shake down or copyright trolling." The suit against iiNet was first filed in November 2008 by a group of the biggest Hollywood studios including Village Roadshow, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 20th Century Fox and Disney, as well as the Seven Network. The film studios had sued iiNet arguing that by not acting to prevent illegal file sharing on its network it was essentially "authorising" the activity and was therefore liable. But after an eight-week Federal Court trial in 2009 that examined whether iiNet authorised customers to download pirated movies, Federal Court judge Justice Dennis Cowdroy found that in February 2010 the ISP was not liable for the downloading habits of its customers. The studios appealed the decision, after two of the three Federal Court appeal judges sided with iiNet. The studios then appealed to the High Court, which heard the case between November 30 and December 2 last year, and which delivered its judgment today.
  5. GiantBomb Uploady On another note, if you have a weird navbar, do a hard refresh/clear your browser cache. A few weeks ago we introduced a new uploady for GoG.com as an addition to Steam Uploady (Steam uploady is still kind of broken, sorry about that. Its hard to find the issue on the live server). Now we have a new auto fill bot named "GiantBomb Uploady" which as the name suggests fetches information from giantbomb.com. Unlike GoG uploady this uploady is not finished and is still in a beta phase with a few known bugs. The awesome thing about this uploady is that GiantBomb has a huge database and is not PC only like GoG.com and Steam. So you can finally get automated descriptions for all those console uploads! The not so awesome thing about this uploady is that GiantBomb is a wiki, so unlike GoG and Steam, they dont have complete descriptions all the time and their descriptions aren't persitent, which means uploady could miss some important information or some information is just not there at all. I made him smart enough to check for multiple possible description "styles" but please check if the bot missed anything during this beta phase whenever you dont get a complete set of information. Also keep an eye on formatting issues (like left over html stuff) in the text description and in the tags field. Please report any erros you encounter (unless its a known bug) in this thread. What GiantBomb uploady will get for you: -Screenshots -Cover -Proper title (you can enter incomplete things like "witcher 2" when using uploady) -Text description (it avoids spoilers which are all over GiantBomb) -System Requirements -Year -Tags -Aliases If anything of the above is missing even though it is present on GiantBomb, please report it in this thread with the giantbomb link. It will present you with the link to the game description once you clicked on a result and it starts fetching information. Currently there are fairly generous time outs in place so we dont get us blacklisted on GiantBomb, so please wait a few seconds for results to come in, screenshots appear first so you can start to select those. Currently it loads fullres screenshots for the preview, if you have a bad internet connection or have a volume limit, you may want to avoid using it for now. In the future it will present you with small preview images instead. Known bugs: Reset is not working properly (refresh the site now) It takes a rather long time to get content (timeouts will be tweaked, in reality it can get all stuff in 2-3 seconds)
  6. 2013-05-27 00:33:48 GMT (vor 19 Std 56 Min erstellt/editiert) Account Deaktivierung Hallo Community, wir haben am Tracker etwas geändert, Account werden nun erst nach 180 Tage Inaktivität gesperrt sofern sie nicht geparkt sind. Geparkte Accounts werden erst nach 3 Jahren gelöscht. euer Tracker Team .................................................. .................................................. .................................... Hello Community, we changed something on our tracker, your account will be deleted after 180 days of inactivity if it is not parked. Parked accounts will be deleted after three years. your tracker team
  7. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Ernesto Post Date: May 27, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: H33t Founder Anum Dies at 25
  8. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Ernesto Post Date: May 27, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Anti-Piracy Commission Asks Congress for Ransomware and Spy Tools
  9. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Andy Post Date: May 27, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Despite High Court Intervention, Copyright Trolls Continue Where ACS:Law Left Off
  10. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Ernesto Post Date: May 27, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week
  11. Can you please clear out some of your inbox? I've try to pm you this past several days with no luck and I also go to shoutbox to see if you're there. Anyways if you get a chance to read this pm me. TY
  12. Source: TorrentFreak Original Author: Ernesto Post Date: May 26, 2013 Link in TorrentFreak: Someone’s Trying to Nail the RIAA for Downloading Porn
  13. Well for me I seen an Advance Screening of A Haunted House.....It like Scary Movie 1 if you like that you love this Movie.......... I rate it 8/10 rubber chickens.
  14. Does anybody know whats wrong with it! 5 days passed Probbably no good hopes yet!
  15. Looking for Body FX JNL Fusion; but I don't know what tracker I can find it in. Can someone direct me to a tracker? I heard Theplace would probably be the tracker that consist of the file; but I don't want too many trackers on my list; unless otherwise. Nevertheless, I would still like to know if there is a tracker that has Body FX JNL Fusion available. Currently looking for E-learning trackers for the file I'm looking for; but I would like one with the file I need, it would save me some time.
  16. CrypticHaven Comedy Club Review 2013 Traker Name :CrypticHaven Comedy Club Tracker URL : http://www.cryptichaven.org/ Tracker Genre: Niche Comedy Content Tracker Speed : 9 Tracker Content: 9 Tracker PreTime: 9 News Profile Forum Rules F.A.Q Conclusion This was a Niche Tracker that Focus on Comedy Genre If u love Stand Up Comedy this was really a heaven place to be :D Community was Fantastic and really a friendly place to be surely really helpful staff love them :) The content on in this tracker most of them are exclusive and you won't find it on anywhere else. Warning though this review can't be leaked outside only for I-S member. Last this an elite place to be and a very rare tracker i think it deserves to placed in the expert level section.
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  19. Hi, Is there any tracker specialized in apps for the iphone/ipad (iOS)? I've searched TL, IPT, TD and Brokenstones and they have very few apps. thanks!
  20. May-20-13 - Introductions Well,it will sound crazy but from now on you will need to bypass the introduction in order to gain access to our site.Please check the introductions section for more info.Nothing to worry about if you are a good member actually as a reward if you are accepted you get the Star/VIP class.Good luck everyone! // Staff
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  24. I just watched "Django Unchained" . amazing movie by Quentin Tarantino. The picture quality of blu-ray is astounding. A definitely 8/10 from me.
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